I really enjoyed doing the MAPping activity. I honestly have never really thought about the sites that I visit. When I search for information, I normally use an online journal article or something with google scholar. However, this activity opened my eyes to the truth that there is JUNK on the Internet. Obviously this is something that I have known, but looking at the credibility of the site was very useful. When I was in a Social Studies course, I had to look up different thoughts about the man on the moon. IT is insane how many different things I found. People used their THOUGHTS as FACT. They posted and created various web pages to back up their theories. I just thought it was interesting because if someone typed in certain words in their google, then they would receive information that may not be true. I think it is important to teach students how to decipher trustworthy sites from non-trustworthy. I’m sure I’ve quoted some websites that were not the best throughout my college career.
Keeping it SAFE and CREDIBLE
If we don’t teach them these skills, then they may get information that is not valid. I think it is ultra important to let them know how to get credible information. Also, they will need to learn sites that will keep them from the dangerous things on the Internet. They need to know what places are kid friendly. Parents need to know this, as well.
I had heard of Delicious before, but had never used it. I think that it is something that is very useful. It wasn’t hard to create the account, and now all of the information is stored in one place. I no longer have to go to google every time I want to find a certain website from my school computer. I can open delicious and discover the sites that I have saved. I think a lot more people will begin using sites like this in the future, in order to have an organized place for all of their information. Maybe these types of accounts will be used for networking with others that frequent the sites one day.
Wiki Time....
I think wikis are cool. I had also heard of wikis, but not ever realized why they can be useful. I liked the video that talked about a camping trip, and the campers collaborating on what items they were going to bring. For something like that, it could be very useful. I created my wiki about wedding planning. I think it will be useful, because it will give my friends, family, and classmates a place to share information about places, dress shops, djs, caterers, etc. Obviously, I can look up information online, but if people give me ideas of places that are reasonable and that they think I will like, then I will have all of the information in one place.
Wiki, wiki, wiki,!
Wikis provide people with an opportunity to collaborate about something. If you didn’t have them, then communicating by email, facebook message, twitter posts, etc. would still be the norm. When people have a place to post, then they will. The disadvantage would be that maybe people would alter information that you wanted to keep. I’m not sure if you could put settings on the page to eliminate someone from deleting your information. Wikis are very engaging because people are able to edit, change, create their thoughts, etc. It is a great way to get connected and work cooperatively in a group.
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